Expert Tips

Kieran Creevy, expedition chef and MSR ambassador shows us how to make a simple, wholesome Nasi Goreng. A tasty chicken fried rice, full of your protein and carb needs after a hard day of trekking.
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Kieran Creevy, expedition chef and MSR ambassador demonstrates how to make a simple, but nutritious, flaxseed flatbread to accompany your camp meals. Take your camp craft a notch higher!
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Getting your kit winter ready for the hills doesn't require too much effort when you consider our summers.
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Just because we're entering the winter months, does not mean you have to hang up your boots until next spring. If this wet, wet summer has taught us anything, it's that if you wait for good weather, you'll never do anything in Ireland! A little bit of planning goes a long way.
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Earlier this year, we issued the brands you know and love, with a survey to assess what they were doing in terms of their sustainability efforts. Unsurprisingly, like many individuals, these businesses - whether small or large - are at varying points in their sustainability journey.
Some have just started, some are well on their way, others have not started yet. We are not here to judge where they are in that journey, but rather, strive to offer transparency. So we can offer you better choices and from there, you can make more informed decisions yourself.
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